
Гарвардский университет Гарвард англ Harvard University Общая. Обзорная презентация университета гарвард

History Harvard was founded in 1636, the College trained many Puritan ministers The takeover of Harvard by the Unitarians in 1805 resulted in the secularization of the American college Charles W. Eliot, president , eliminated the favored position of Christianity from the curriculum while opening it to student self-direction

History During the twentieth century, Harvard"s international reputation grew as a burgeoning endowment and prominent professors expanded the university"s scope Explosive growth in the student population continued with the addition of new graduate schools and the expansion of the undergraduate program.

Organization Harvard today has nine faculties, listed below in order of foundation: The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and its sub-faculty, the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, which together serve: Harvard College, the university"s undergraduate portion (1636) The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (organized 1872) The Harvard Division of Continuing Education, including Harvard Summer School (1871) and Harvard Extension School (1910). The Harvard Medical School (1782) The Harvard School of Dental Medicine (1867). Harvard Divinity School (1816) Harvard Law School (1817) Harvard Business School (1908) The Graduate School of Design (1914) The Harvard Graduate School of Education (1920) The School of Public Health (1922) Harvard Kennedy School of Government (1936)

Campus Harvard"s 210-acre (85 ha) main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge. Sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates live in twelve residential Houses. The Harvard Business School and many of the university"s athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located on a 359-acre (145 ha) campus opposite the Cambridge campus in Allston. The Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health are located on a 22-acre (8.9 ha) campus in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area.

Students Harvard enrolled 6,655 students in undergraduate programs, 3,738 students in graduate programs, and 10,722 students in professional programs. The undergraduate population is 51% female, the graduate population is 48% female, and the professional population is 49% female. UndergraduateGraduateProfessionalU.S. Census African American8%3%6%12.1% Asian American17%9%12%4.3% White American42% 43%65.8% Hispanic American7%3%5%14.5% Native American1%0.2%0.6%0.9% International student11%33%22%N/A

Some other facts There are 2,110 professors, lecturers, and instructors serve, with 6,715 undergraduate and 12,424 graduate students. Harvard has the largest university endowment in the United States. At the end of June 2009, it was worth $25.7 billion, about 30% less than at the same time in Harvard Undergraduate Television (HUTV) is the Harvard College student-run Internet television network.

Слайд 2: Contents:

History …………………………………… 3-4 pag. Organization …………………………… 5 pag. Campus ………………………………… 6 pag. Students ………………………………… 7 pag. Notable people …………………………8 pag.

Слайд 3: History

Harvard was founded in 1636, the College trained many Puritan ministers The takeover of Harvard by the Unitarians in 1805 resulted in the secularization of the American college Charles W. Eliot, president 1869-1909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from the curriculum while opening it to student self-direction

Слайд 4: History

During the twentieth century, Harvard"s international reputation grew as a burgeoning endowment and prominent professors expanded the university"s scope Explosive growth in the student population continued with the addition of new graduate schools and the expansion of the undergraduate program.

Слайд 5: Organization

Harvard today has nine faculties, listed below in order of foundation: The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and its sub-faculty, the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, which together serve: Harvard College, the university"s undergraduate portion (1636) The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (organized 1872) The Harvard Division of Continuing Education, including Harvard Summer School (1871) and Harvard Extension School (1910). The Harvard Medical School (1782) The Harvard School of Dental Medicine (1867). Harvard Divinity School (1816) Harvard Law School (1817) Harvard Business School (1908) The Graduate School of Design (1914) The Harvard Graduate School of Education (1920) The School of Public Health (1922) Harvard Kennedy School of Government (1936)

Слайд 6: Campus

Harvard"s 210-acre (85 ha) main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge. Sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates live in twelve residential Houses. The Harvard Business School and many of the university"s athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located on a 359-acre (145 ha) campus opposite the Cambridge campus in Allston. The Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health are located on a 22-acre (8.9 ha) campus in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area.

Слайд 7: Students

Harvard enrolled: 6,655 students in undergraduate programs ; 3,738 students in graduate programs ; 10,722 students in professional programs. Undergraduate Graduate Professional U.S. Census African American 8% 3% 6% 12.1% Asian American 17% 9% 12% 4.3% White American 42% 42% 43% 65.8% Hispanic American 7% 3% 5% 14.5% Native American 1% 0.2% 0.6% 0.9% International student 11% 33% 22% N/A

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

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Описание слайда:

HARVARD UNIVERCITY Выполнила: Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 1 г. Искитим Новосибирской области, Яковлева Надежда Александровна

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Motto Veritas Motto in English Truth Established September 18, 1636 (NS) Type Private Endowment USD $25.62 billion President Drew Gilpin Faust Faculty 2,107 Staff 2,497 non-medical 10,674 medical Students 21,125 Undergraduates 7,181 total 6,655 College 526 Extension Postgraduates 14,044 Location Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S. Campus Urban 210 acres (Main campus) 22 acres (Medical campus) 359 acres (Allston campus)

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School color Crimson Living alumni More than 320,000 Nobel laureates 43 current and former faculty members Library collection About 16.2 million volumes Undergraduate Cost (2009-10 academic year) Tuition - $33,696 Total including room, board, student service fees - $48,868 Financial aid (2009-10 academic year) Nearly $41,000 average total aid package University income (Fiscal Year 2008) $3,482,317,000 Newspaper The Harvard Crimson Colors Crimson Mascot Crimson Athletics 41 Varsity Teams Ivy League NCAA Division I Harvard Crimson Website www.harvard.edu

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SOME FACTS FROM THE HISTORY Harvard was founded in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Initially called "New College" or "the college at New Towne", the institution was renamed Harvard College on March 13, 1639. In the early years, the College trained many Puritan ministers. The college offered a classic academic course based on the English university model. By 1850 Harvard was the "Unitarian Vatican." The "liberals" (Unitarians) allied themselves with high Federalists and began to create a set of private societies and institutions meant to shore up their cultural and political authority.

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Administration and organization A faculty: 2,110 professors, lecturers, and instructors 6,715 undergraduate and 12,424 graduate students. The school color is crimson, which is also the name of the Harvard sports teams and the daily newspaper, The Harvard Crimson. The John Harvard statue in Harvard Yard is occasionally a target of humorous decorations. Harvard has a friendly rivalry with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Today, they compete, with many joint conferences and programs, - the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, - the Broad Institute, - the Harvard-MIT Data Center and the Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology.

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Governing bodies Harvard is governed by two boards, one of which is the President and Fellows of Harvard College, also known as the Harvard Corporation, founded in 1650, and the other is the Harvard Board of Overseers. The President of Harvard University is the day-to-day administrator of Harvard and is appointed by and responsible to the Harvard Corporation. There are 16,000 staff and faculty

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Faculties and schools The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and its sub-faculty, the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, which together serve: - Harvard College, the university"s undergraduate portion (1636) - The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (organized 1872) - The Harvard Division of Continuing Education, including Harvard Summer School (1871) and Harvard Extension School (1910). The Harvard Medical School (1782) The Harvard School of Dental Medicine (1867). Harvard Divinity School (1816) Harvard Law School (1817) Harvard Business School (1908) The Graduate School of Design (1914) The Harvard Graduate School of Education (1920) The School of Public Health (1922) Harvard Kennedy School of Government (1936)

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Harvard"s 210-acre main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge, approximately 3.4 miles northwest of downtown Boston and extends into the surrounding Harvard Square neighborhood. Harvard Yard itself contains the central administrative offices and main libraries of the university, academic buildings including Sever Hall and University Hall, Memorial Church, and the majority of the freshman dormitories. Sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates live in twelve residential Houses, nine of which are south of Harvard Yard along or near the Charles River. The other three are located in a residential neighborhood half a mile northwest of the Yard at the Quadrangle (commonly referred to as the Quad), which formerly housed Radcliffe College students until Radcliffe merged its residential system with Harvard. The Harvard MBTA station provides public transportation via bus service and the Red Line subway.

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The Harvard Business School and many of the university"s athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located on a 359-acre campus opposite the Cambridge campus in Allston. The John W. Weeks Bridge is a pedestrian bridge over the Charles River connecting both campuses. The Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health are located on a 22-acre campus in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area approximately 3.3 miles southwest of downtown Boston and 3.3 miles south of the Cambridge campus. A private shuttle bus connects the Longwood campus to the Cambridge campus via Massachusetts Avenue making stops in the Back Bay and at MIT as well.

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Each residential house contains rooms for undergraduates, House masters, and resident tutors, as well as a dining hall, library, and various other student facilities. The facilities were made possible by a gift from Yale University alumnus Edward Harkness. Radcliffe Yard, formerly the center of the campus of Radcliffe College (and now home of the Radcliffe Institute), is adjacent to the Graduate School of Education and the Cambridge Common. From 2006 - 2008, Harvard University reported on-campus crime statistics that included 48 forcible sex offenses, 10 robberies, 15 aggravated assaults, 750 burglaries, and 12 cases of motor vehicle theft.

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Research centers Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Harvard Clinical Research Institute Harvard Institute of Economic Research Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Institute for Quantitative Social Science Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies (one of Harvard"s 14 schools) Laboratory for Nanomedicine (at the Harvard Medical School-affiliated Brigham and Women"s Hospital) Sheens Eye Research Institute W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering

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Libraries The Harvard University Library System is centered in Widener Library in Harvard Yard and comprises over 80 individual libraries and over 15 million volumes. Harvard describes its library as the "largest academic library in the world". Cabot Science Library, Lamont Library, and Widener Library are three of the most popular libraries for undergraduates to use, with easy access and central locations. There are rare books, manuscripts and other special collections throughout Harvard"s libraries. The Harvard University Archives consist principally of rare and unique materials.

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Museums The Harvard Art Museums, including: - The Fogg Museum of Art, with galleries featuring history of Western art from the Middle Ages to the present. - The Busch-Reisinger Museum. - The Arthur M. Sackler Museum The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, specializing in the cultural history and civilizations of the Western Hemisphere The Semitic Museum. The Harvard Museum of Natural History complex, including: - The Harvard University Herbaria - The Museum of Comparative Zoology - The Harvard Mineralogical Museum The Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, designed by Le Corbusier, is home to the University"s film archive and the department of Visual and Environmental Studies.

Общая информация Гарвардский университет (Гарвард) (англ. Harvard University) - один из самых известных университетов С ША и всего мира, старейший вуз США. Находится в городе Кембридж (входит в состав Бостонской городско й агломерации), штат Массачусетс.

История университета Старейший из университетов США, Гарвард был основан 8 сентября 1636 года. Назван в честь английского миссионера и филантропа Джона Гарварда. В течение XVIII века программы Гарварда становились более светскими и к концу XIX века колледж был признан центральным учреждением культуры среди элиты Бостона. После гражданской войны в США, Гарвард стал одним из основателей Ассоциации американских университетов в 1900 году. Гарвардский университет поддерживает дружеское соперничество с Массачусетским технологическим институтом, которое восходит ещё к 1900 году, когда было официально согласовано слияние двух школ.

Структура университета Университет включает в себя 13 отдельных академических подразделений - 12 школ и Институт перспективных исследований Рэдклиффа - с кампусами по всему Бостону. В 1999 году существовавший с 1879 года престижный женский гуманитарный частный Рэдклифф-колледж был преобразован в Гарвардский Рэдклиффский институт перспективных исследований. Филиалами университета являются музей археологии и этнологии Пибоди и Гарвардский музей естественной истории. Имеется Гарвардский художественный музей.

О кампусах 85 га основного корпуса университета находится в так называемом «Гарвардском дворе» в Кембридже. Бизнес-школы и спортивные объекты, в том числе Гарвардский стадион, расположены на реке Чарльз в Аллстоне, а объекты медицинского и стоматологического факультета находятся в Лонгвуде. В Гарвардском парке находятся основные библиотеки университета, академические здания, большинство общежитий для первокурсников, а также корпуса Сивера и Юниверсити и мемориальная церковь. Гарвардская школа бизнеса и спортивные объекты университета, в том числе Гарвардский стадион, занимают 145 га площади в городе Оллстон. Мост им. Джона Уикса соединяет Оллстон с Лонгвудом, где находятся Гарвардская медицинская школа, школа стоматологии, Гарвардская школа общественного здравоохранения.

Обучение в Гарвардском Университете Поступление Чтобы начать обучение в Гарварде на одном из 11 академических отделений, следует подать заявку. На официальном сайте университета нужно зарегистрироваться, создать профиль, заплатив 75 долларов. Затем скачать специальные анкеты и приложения. Следует их распечатать, заполнить, приложить документ об образовании с отметками, не менее 3 -х рекомендательных писем, информации об участии в международных конкурсах, олимпиадах, публикациях, и отправить все через обычную почту. Хотя можно пойти и другим путем - существуют организации, осуществляющие посредническую помощь поступающим в Гарвард.

Вступительные экзамены в Гарварде - это стандартные тестовые испытания, так называемые SAT I и SAT II. Набрать нужно как можно больше баллов, но минимум - 600. Кроме отличных оценок в Гарварде приветствуется опыт работы, особенно в волонтерских организациях. Даже при меньшем количестве баллов, но при наличии волонтерского опыта шансы стать студентом гораздо выше. Само обучение В Гарварде направлено на овладение практическими навыками и умением работать в команде. Студентам предоставляется возможность научиться решать задачи разной степени сложности либо самостоятельно, либо в группе по 3 -4 человека.

Система «домов» Почти все студенты Гарвардского университета и колледжа с первого курса живут в общежитиях на территории кампуса, в пределах или вблизи Гарвардского двора. Студенты, которые имеют хорошие оценки или иные достижения, живут в так называемых «домах» . Гарвардский «дом» - это не просто общежитие, это структурное подразделение университета, в котором налажена серьезная педагогическая и психологическая работа по адаптации, социализации и формированию лидерских качеств студента, причем работа эта ведется едва ли не подпольно - официально управляет порядком в доме старший из студентов, а не преподаватель или воспитатель.

Интересные факты о Гарвардском университете и об обучении в нём 8 февраля всемирно Гарвардский университет отмечает день своих подопечных. Hasty Pudding – так называют действо, которое происходит в этот день. Блюдо под таким названием потребляли с 1795 года на собрании студенческого клуба. Это стало традицией университета и такое название получил второй по популярности день американского, а точнее – гарвардского студенчества. Этому празднику также присущи театрализованные постановки и торжества. Но все роли на празднике, и мужские, и женские, выполняет сильная половина. Женщинам на сцену - нельзя! А все потому, что когда-то в Гарвардском университете учились только ребята.

По состоянию на 2015 год в Гарварде работает около 2100 преподавателей и учится около 6700 студентов и 14500 последипломников. 75 лауреатов Нобелевской Премии были связаны с университетом как студенты, преподаватели или сотрудники. Гарвардский университет занимает первое место в стране по числу миллиардеров среди выпускников, а его библиотека - крупнейшая академическая в США и третья по величине в стране. Гарвард входит в группу элитных американских университетов - Лигу плюща. Гарвард имеет самый большой целевой капитал в мире, который составляет 37, 6 млрд. долларов.

Студенты Гарварда - это особенный народ. Самые удачные из их шуток имеют далеко идущие последствия. Одна из таких далеко идущих шуток родилась пятьдесят лет назад на знаменитом Гарвардском мосту: Отметки на Гарвардском мосту сделаны в малораспространённой единице длины - смутах. В 1958 году студенты решили измерить длину Гарвардского моста, соединяющего Бостон и Кембридж-с помощью одного из своей компании - студента по имени Оливер Смут, которого в лежачем положении перемещали дальше, делая краской отметки. Общая длина моста составила « 364. 4 smoots plus one ear» (англ. 364, 4 смута и ещё одно ухо), а сама единица смут равна примерно 170 сантиметрам. После реконструкции моста в 1988 году городские власти стёрли все отметки, которые студенты постоянно обновляли. Однако вмешались полицейские, которым было удобно сообщать о происшествиях на мосту, ориентируясь по смутам, и линии восстановили. Сам Оливер Смут потом стал президентом Американского национального института стандартов, а впоследствии и возглавил Международную организацию по стандартизации.

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    Harvard university was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution. Harvard"s first scholarship fund was created in 1643 with a gift from Ann Radcliffe, Lady Mowlson.

    During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. Although many of its early graduates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England, the College was never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination. An early brochure, published in 1643, justified the College"s existence: "To advance Learning and perpetuate it to Posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate Ministry to the Churches."

    Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.

    Seven presidents of the United States graduated from Harvard – John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W. Bush – were graduates of Harvard. The one most important president that I like who graduated from Harvard University is President Barack Obama.

    Funds Harvard University"s endowment, valued at $25.9 billion at the end of FY 2005, is a collection of more than 10,800 separate funds established over the years to provide scholarships; to maintain libraries, museums, and other collections; to support teaching and research activities; and to provide ongoing support for a wide variety of other activities. The great majority of these funds carry some type of restriction. Although their specific use varies greatly, all of Harvard"s endowment funds have a common objective: to support activities not just for one year, or even one generation, but for perpetuity. By their very nature, endowment funds require the balancing of current and future needs.

    Visitors often ask: Who is the typical Harvard student? The answer is that there is no such person. Each student is a unique individual, and the student body is incredibly diverse. Harvard men and women represent an array of ethnic groups, religious traditions, and political persuasions. They come from every region of the United States and more than 100 other countries. They include undergraduates and graduate, continuing education, and Summer School students. They range from pre-teens to octogenarians; in 1997, Mary Fasano became the oldest person ever to earn a Harvard degree when she graduated from the Extension School at the age of 89. Harvard College students have a remarkable range of backgrounds and academic and extracurricular interests. Two-thirds come from public schools, and about two-thirds receive some form of financial aid.


    AT HARVARD SAFETY OF THE STUDENTS IS ALWAYS FIRST. HARVARD IS ONE OF THE ONLY UNIVERSITIES WITH ITS OWN POLICE DEPARTMENT. The mission of the Harvard University Police Department is to maintain community peace, safety, and quality of life. The HUPD pursues this mission within the University context of free expression, rigorous inquiry, vast diversity, and pursuit of distinction. The HUPD honors these traditions and seeks success by means that are moral, constitutional, and respectful of individual rights and community interests. HUPD officers personally and professionally commit themselves to the values of the Department. They seek the same distinction in policing that the University pursues in research and teaching, and in so doing, contribute to the excellence of Harvard University.

    Harvard offers salaries that are competitive with Boston-area employers. When combined with our generous benefits, perks, and time paid off, many job seekers are surprised to find a total rewards package that matches or exceeds their current situation.In addition to being externally competitive, Harvard ensures that salaries are internally calibrated through its grading system.The salary ranges in the table below reflect base salaries paid for all positions at a given grade across the University. Typically a new hire can expect a starting salary somewhere in the lower part of the range. This amount will vary based on the position and the relevant experience of the candidate. Working at Harvard you can start at $25,000 and it grows every year until in about 12 years you can be making $200.000 a year

    Popular majors For Bachelor"s Degrees Social Sciences: 41% Biology: 13% History: 8% Psychology: 7% English: 5% Foreign Languages and Literature: 5% Mathematics: 5% Physical Sciences: 5% For master’s degree Business: 42% History: 18% Psychology: 5% English: 10% Drama: 5% Theology: 5% Geology: 5% Social science:10%

    Harvard’s Office of News and Public Affairs is the liaison between the University and the news media and the general public. The office also manages the University’s Web site, www.harvard.edu; the production of the Harvard University Gazette and a wide range of specialty publications; the operation of the Harvard Events & Information Center; and other media relations services.



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